Category: World Cup 2014
Ahead of the World Cup in 2014, Brazil's government has approved nearly $3 billion to expand and renovate 16 airports, and guaranteed another $400 million in investments related to the country's ports. The allocations come amid criticism from soccer's international governing body, FIFA, that Brazil is not meeting its infrastructure obligations in advance of the tournament. What are some opportunities that may trickle down to international companies?
World Cup Tickets prices starting at two minimum wages
Imagine being among tens of thousands of fans, experiencing the magic and vibrancy of the action live at the stadiums. The first batch of world cup 2014 tickets is now on sale. FIFA is offering you an unprecedented opportunity to secure your seat today.
Football fans can now buy world cup 2014 for the 2014 World Cup. Starting from the 23rd of April, the International Football Federation (FIFA) has started thepre-sale of the world cup 2014 tickets . Around 26,000 VIP tickets of the Hospitality package are available to the customers of VISA credit card in selected countries.
Ticket prices will start from two Brazilian minimum wage month salaries up to prices of 15 minimum wages.
You will find more details at the hospitality pages at the FIFA website.
The project of the investor Coelba is the first solar power system on a soccer stadium in Latin America.
Salvador da Bahia, Brazil. In August 2011, Gehrlicher Ecoluz Solar do Brasil S.A., a joint venture of the German photovoltaics specialist Gehrlicher Solar AG and the Brazilian environmental technology group Ecoluz Participações S.A., was awarded an international tender by the Brazilian utility Coelba. 
The contract includes planning and construction of the first photovoltaic system on a soccer stadium in Latin America. Continue reading