Brazil didn’t fix inflation and now it’s paying the price IOF TAX cut from 6% to 0% Inflation hitting the ceiling of central bank’s 6.5% US$ hits R$ 2.166 Lacklust GDP growth by just 0.6% in the first quarter Third round of dollar-selling intervention by the Brazilian central bank Brazil cuts its IOF tax, a federal …
Apr 24
World Cup 2014 semi-final and final tickets now for sale
World Cup Tickets prices starting at two minimum wages Imagine being among tens of thousands of fans, experiencing the magic and vibrancy of the action live at the stadiums. The first batch of world cup 2014 tickets is now on sale. FIFA is offering you an unprecedented opportunity to secure your seat today. Football fans can …
Feb 12
Apple to lose iPhone trademark in Brazil-source | Reuters
Apple to lose iPhone trademark in Brazil-source | Reuters. RIO DE JANEIRO | Tue Feb 5, 2013 4:21pm EST 5 (Reuters) – Brazil’s copyright regulator will stripof the right to use its iPhone trademark in Latin America’s biggest market and granted the trademark to a local company that registered it first, a source familiar with the decision …
Feb 11
Brazil, Where a Judge Made $361,500 in a Month, Fumes Over Pay
Exploiting generous benefits and loopholes, some public sector employees are earning more than $260,000 in a year.
Dec 18
Trump Towers Rio de Janeiro
Donald Trump to build the largest complex of commercial buildings of Brazil. $6 billion Public-Private-Partnership investment. The American billionaire Donald Trump announced on Tuesday the 18th of December 2012, he will invest in building the largest complex of office towers in Brazil, Rio de Janeiro Trump Towers. The total value of the project may reach $ …
Dec 14
Brazilian Ebooks: Cheaper, but Not as Cheap as Expected
Publisher fear cheap e-books They’re finally here: Amazon, Kobo and Google have joined veterans Saraiva, Buqui, Gato Sabido and others in Brazil’s digital publishing market. But all that journalists, consumers and publishers wanted to talk about was the price of ebooks on sale. They noted, with much chagrin, that while Brazilian ebooks are cheaper, they …
Dec 12
ThyssenKrupp writes off US$ 4bn over Steel Americas operation in Brazil
Mismanagement and corruption The crisis of ThyssenKrupp has much to do with the new steel mill in Sepetiba, Brazil: It should produce steel slabs at a significant lower cost compared to the slabs produced in Germany. In fact, the slab was $ 170 more expensive. The loss was caused primarily by a 3.6 billion euro write …
Dec 04
Remittances from Brazil with Bitcoin and Save Huge!
Step-by-step guide for remittances from Brazil Making a remittance from and to Brazil is not as easy as compared to many other countries. It is a very cumbersome process, often surrounded by a lot of red tape, incompetent and uninterested banks, high fees and very unattractive exchange rates. This guide will detail step-by-step on how …
Sep 25
Brazilian judge orders a statewide, 24-hour suspension of Google and its video sharing web site
A regional judge has ordered the arrest of Google’s president in Brazil, Fabio Jose Silva Coelho, after the company failed to take down YouTube videos. Authorities say the videos are slanderous towards a candidate running in a city’s election for mayor. The judge ordered the removal of the videos last week, but Google has refused …
Jun 15
IOF Taxes exempted from loans
Six percent IOF tax exempted from foreign loans The Brazilian administration is rolling back curbs on foreign capital imposed in the past 19 months after the real posted the biggest loss of any major currency this year. The government exempted foreign loans which matures in more than than two years from a 6 percent tax to …